On the 20th day, early in the morning while it is still dark, all of the aunts of the newborn child arrive at the house, each carrying a Corn Mother in her right hand, and each wishing to be the child’s Godmother.
Corn Mother is passed over the child four times from the navel to the head. On the first pass the child is named. On the second, she wishes the child a long life, on the third, she wishes the child a healthy life. If the child is a boy, she wishes him a productive life in his work. If the child is a girl, she wishes that she would become a good wife and mother.
After, a corn meal path is created leading towards the sun for this “New Life.” The Corn Mother remains his Spiritual Mother.
She has no face, which symbolizes the egalitarian society of the Hopi people. She represents a people, not an individual. The Hopi thought is: One Mind, one Body and one Spirit.